
Ville Paananen

Oulu, Finland
Twitter / LinkedIn / ORCID / ResearchGate
You can also check out my portfolio and CV .


Spatial Empathy: Digitally Bridging Human Experience (2024)

Ville Paananen

Doctoral thesis defended on May 15th, 2024


Tekoäly ei synny tyhjästä / AI Is Not Born out of Thin Air (2024)

Ville Paananen

Finnish Architectural Review, Issue 2/2024


Using Text-to-Image Generation for Architectural Design Ideation (2023)

Ville Paananen and Jonas Oppenlaender and Aku Visuri

International Journal of Architectural Computing


From Digital Media to Empathic Spaces: A Systematic Review of Empathy Research in Extended Reality Environments (2023)

Ville Paananen, Sina Kiarostami, Lik-Hang Lee, Tristan Braud, Simo Hosio

ACM Computing Surveys


Exploring Situated Empathy through a Metaverse Campus (2023)

Ville Paananen, Sina Kiarostami, Lik-Hang Lee, Aku Visuri, Saba Kheirinejad, Simo Hosio

Mindtrek '23: Proceedings of the 26th International Academic Mindtrek Conference


Perceptions and Realities of Text-to-Image Generation (2023)

Jonas Oppenlaender, Johanna Silvennoinen, Ville Paananen, and Aku Visuri

Mindtrek '23: Proceedings of the 26th International Academic Mindtrek Conference


Eliciting Empathy towards Urban Accessibility Issues (2023)

Ville Paananen, Aku Visuri, Niels van Berkel, Simo Hosio

Proceedings of the 15th Biannual Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter (CHItaly '23)


"See the Place with Different Eyes": Fostering Empathy by Communicating Spatial Experience (2023)

Ville Paananen, Elina Kuosmanen, Sanna Lehtinen, Simo Hosio

Proceedings of the 6th Media Architecture Biennale Conference (MAB ´23)


It is an online platform and not the real world, I don’t care much: Investigating Twitter Profile Credibility With an Online Machine Learning-Based Tool (2023)

Junhao Li, Ville Paananen, Sharadhi Alape Suryanarayana, Eetu Huusko, Mika Mäntylä, Miikka Kuutila, Simo Hosio

Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval (CHIIR ´23)


Dynamic experience sampling method for evaluating workplace experiences (2023)

Piia Markkanen, Ville Paananen, Simo Hosio, Aulikki Herneoja

Proceedings of the Transdisciplinary Workplace Research Conference (TWR ’22)

Best Paper Award


In search of bridging knowledge between disciplines: About spatial solutions to environmental satisfaction in knowledge work (2023)

Aulikki Herneoja, Virpi Ruohomäki, Annu Haapakangas, Piia Markkanen, Ville Paananen, Simo Hosio, Jussi Virkkala, Ari-Pekka Rauttola

Proceedings of the Transdisciplinary Workplace Research Conference (TWR ’22)


Investigating Human Scale Spatial Experience (2021)

Ville Paananen, Jonas Oppenlaender, Jorge Goncalves, Danula Hettiachchi, Simo Hosio

Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction


2VT: Visions, Technologies, and Visions of Technologies for Understanding Human Scale Spaces (2021)

Ville Paananen, Piia Markkanen, Jonas Oppenlaender, Lik Hang Lee, Haider Akmal, Ava Fatah gen. Schieck, John Dunham, Konstantinos Papangelis, Nicolas Lalone, Niels van Berkel, Jorge Goncalves, Simo Hosio

CHI EA '21: Extended Abstracts of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems



August 2020 — May 2024

Doctor of Science (Technology)

Information Technology and Electrical Engineering

University of Oulu

March 2024 —

Master's degree


University of Oulu

August 2020 — March 2024

Bachelor's degree


University of Oulu

December 2018 — December 2020

Master's degree

Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering

University of Oulu

December 2012 — December 2018

Bachelor's degree

Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering

University of Oulu

Artistic Work

November 2022


Graphic novel on escaping memory

January 2019 — February 2020

Oulun ylioppilaslehti

Freelance Illustrator

Illustrated articles for web and print media

January 2019

Olet mitä soitat – 50 vuotta Teekkaritorvia

Graphic Designer

Visual design and layout for the 50th year history book for Teekkaritorvet

January 2019 — December 2019

Oulun korkeakoulujen taidepiiri Tapiiri ry

Secretary and Graphic Designer

Wrote meeting records, designed visual material for events and marketing, and organized events

January 2018 — December 2018

Oulun korkeakoulujen taidepiiri Tapiiri ry

Chairman Of The Board

Found an art club, organized events, and developed a complete visual branding, among other management tasks

Grants and Awards

March 2023

Tauno Tönning Foundation

Encouragement grant for doctoral research

May 2022

Oulun yliopiston tukisäätiö

Encouragement grant for doctoral research

October 2021

Jenny & Antti Wihuri Foundation

Year-long working grant for doctoral research

December 2019

Rakennustietosäätiö sr

Grant For Master's thesis